Editing a Project
In the main navigation bar, click on Projects View Projects. Click on the three dots. Choose edit project of the project you want to edit. The info will then be displayed. Update the information needed, then click the Update ProjeFew readersCreating a Project
To watch the video tutorial on creating projects. Click here. On the navigation bar click on Projects New Project. Fill out the title of the project, for example "Website". Choose which client this project will be assigned to using the drop down menu or leave empty for an inteFew readersDeleting a Project
On the main navigation bar click on Projects View Projects. Under the Actions column, click on the Delete button. A pop up window will ask if you are sure you want to delete the project. Click yes. The project will then be removedFew readersEditing a Task
Tasks are important part of project management. They are specific deliverables pertaining to a project. In the main navigation bar, click on Projects View Tasks. Under the Actions column, click the edit icon of the task you want to edit. The info will then be displayed. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/582700a72e81d80/3cf8Few readersImporting and Exporting Projects
Our import process allows you to easily import any CSV or Excel file in to SWELL. You can export from any provider and import directly into SWELLEnterprise. To watch the video tutorial on importing and exporting. Click here. Importing Projects: Go to Projects View Projects in the main navigation bar. (https://stoFew readersCreating a Task
To watch the tutorial about creating tasks. Click here. In the main navigation menu click on Projects New Task. Fill out the details of the task. An example for task Title: "Design Website Wireframes". Under Attached To, select the resource this task is assignFew readersDeleting a Task
On the main navigation bar click on Projects View Tasks. Under the Actions column, click on the Delete button. A pop up window will ask if you are sure you want to delete the task. Click yes. The contact will then be removed fromFew readersImporting and Exporting Tasks
You can create all of your tasks at one time in an excel file or CSV and import them into SWELL at once. To watch the video tutorial on importing and exporting. Click here. Importing your task list: In the main navigation bar click Projects < View Tasks. Click the down aFew readers