Articles on: Projects

Importing and Exporting Projects

Our import process allows you to easily import any CSV or Excel file in to SWELL. You can export from any provider and import directly into **SWELL**Enterprise.

To watch the video tutorial on importing and exporting. Click here.

Importing Projects:

Go to _Projects_ > _View Projects_ in the main navigation bar.

Click the down arrow on the red button next to _Add Project_ in the upper right corner of the screen.

Click _Import CSV_.

Click _Choose File_ and select the CSV file you want to import from your computer.

Click the _Import CSV or Excel File_ button.

From here, follow the steps to import your list by select the matching column heading with the drop down menu in SWELL with the matching column heading of your imported file. Then click _Save_. If you have a column that you do not want to include into SWELL, click _Skip_.

(Recommended) Always save a backup of your documents on your computer!

Exporting projects from SWELL:

To Export your client list to an Excel file or a CSV file, click on the green desired file path.

Updated on: 10/30/2019

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