How to cancel and delete your account
This article walks you through step by step on how to cancel and permanently delete your account.Some readersIntegrate Stripe
Stripe is a technology company based in the U.S., but is operating globally. This platform allows both private individuals and businesses to accept secure online payments. If you have not done so already, please finish setting up your company settings located in the top right of your main screen. You will need to go into your company settings in order to integrate with any third party application. You will find your company settings in the upper right corner of your screen. (httpsSome readersAdd a User
Users are your employees within your company who have access to projects and other capabilities that you can determine within SWELL. To watch the video tutorial on users, roles and permissions, click here. An Administrator Role within SWELL is the person(s) who has an all access overview of the system and is able to create, read, update and delete any information. This level also includes the aFew readersMulti-brands: How to use more than one company in SWELLEnterprise
If you want to use more than one company in SWELL and have an easy way to separate these companies, share users across companies and associate them with a master brand then you will want to check out the multi brands feature. To get started, click on the user drop down menu and choose Add Company When you click the button a new screen will show up where you can either create a nFew readers