How to Create & Edit Your Client Portal
Having a centralized location for your clients to find all of their important information is a must. With SWELLEnterprise, you choose what your clients have access to and you can easily allow them to view that latest updates on their project or simply pay for an invoice. With the updated client portal you can build custom menus, design your portal pages using a drag and drop editor and use 3rd party scripts for things like marketing pixels, chat software, analytics, and more. youtube ClieSome readersMerge Codes
Here is a list of merge codes you can use: Clients client.first = Client First Name client.last = Client Last Name client.organization = Client Organization = Client Phone Number = Client Email Leads lead.first = Lead First Name lead.last = Lead Last Name lead.organization = Lead Organization = Lead Phone Number = Lead Email Contacts contact.first = Contact First Name contact.last = ContaSome readersSWELLEnterprise Webhooks
How to use hooks with SWELLEnterprise RESTful API Creating Subscriptions: 1- Create a subscription: sending a POST request to the after basic authentication with your username and password. Request body should have the endpoint and event this hook will subscribe to in the form of a JSON object // with appropriate headers Authentication Basic Authentication with username and passworFew readers