Articles on: Company Settings

Multi-brands: How to use more than one company in SWELLEnterprise

If you want to use more than one company in SWELL and have an easy way to separate these companies, share users across companies and associate them with a master brand then you will want to check out the multi brands feature.

To get started, click on the user drop down menu and choose Add Company

When you click the button a new screen will show up where you can either create a new company or associate a company you already have access to.

Fill in the details to proceed with creating the new company.

Once you are done, click Create or request access and you should now be able to access the new company.

Note: If you are requesting access to a company that has already been created in SWELL then you will need to wait for that company's administrator to accept.

Updated on: 09/08/2021

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